“You are of God, little children, and have overcome them—because greater is He that is in you, than he that is in the world.”

I John 4:4

When we remember Who He is and Whose we are, we’ll not fear anything or anyone that comes our way.

“Greater is He.”

Those are the three words that make all the difference in the world to those who’ve invited Christ into their hearts.  When we stop to remember that God’s “most precious Treasure that He’s deposited in trusting, clay, cracked pots” (II Cor. 4:7a), we’ll also remember “that the excellency (Grk. ‘huperbole’—‘throwing beyond others, surpassing, abundantly exceeding, beyond measure, etc.’) of the Power is from God, not us” (v.7b).

That’s why we should always consider ourselves “more than conquerors through Him that loved us” (Rom. 8:37).  We are not mealy-mouthed, milk-toast doormats for the world; we are “of God and His little children.”  Within us resides the King of kings and Lord of lords, Who conquered death and the grave.  And, the same omnipotence that He possessed while walking this earth is still present within Him through the Holy Spirit.

And, dear Pilgrim, it’s through that same “power” (Grk. “dunamis”—“miraculous power, abundance, mighty deed, etc.’)” that we’re able to “overcome (Grk. ‘nikao’—‘to subdue, conquer, prevail, gain the victory, etc.’) them (the world, the flesh and the devil).”

It’s not because of our professing to be a Christian that we conquer; it’s because of His indwelling Presence.  Glory!

Isn’t this a wondrous thought and assurance?

Most assuredly it is.  Hallelujah!!

Therefore, the next time we find ourselves in what seems to be an “impossible” situation, we should remember that He is the “God of the Impossible” (Gen. 18:14; Lk. 1:37).  Or, when others are assailing us or the evil one is attacking, we should remember that we are God’s “little children” and His Precious Son resides within us and will watch over us even as a mother hen watches over her chicks (Mt. 23:37).

Yes, as the Psalmist Asaph said in his “Psalm of Perplexity and Praise,” God is good (Ps. 73:1).  And, as someone else would add, “All the time.”  Amen and amen.

Why not pause right now and thank Him for His Love and indwelling Presence?  And why not ask Him to lead you to someone today who’s enslaved to sinful strongholds so you can tell them about Jesus, the One Who can set them free (Is. 61:1-3)?

May 20, 2011