As the song says “And the things of this earth will grow strangely dim in the light of His Glory and Grace.”
Spiritual speculation.
That’s really what Paul’s talking about in today’s Manna as he talks about “eye having not seen or ear having not heard or nothing entering into our hearts that can help us know all that God has prepared for those who love Him.”
In other words, it’s beyond our wildest dreams!
Now, we know a little about dreaming and imaginations. We’ve all seen pictures in travel magazines or a neighbor’s photo album that depict a faraway, exotic place: Lofty mountain peaks overlooking idyllic valleys. White, sandy beaches with dark blue or aqua waters rolling rhythmically ashore as snow-white sea gulls glide effortlessly overhead on sea breezes.
But, they’re still pictures—inadequate imitations of the “real.”
And, even if those scenes are contained within a video. . .in living color. . .with all the sights and sounds. . .we still can’t smell the scents. . .touch the sand or feel the soothing winds on our face. . .hear the pounding surf or squawks of the nearby birds.
Truly, “we can only imagine.”
And, so it is, dear Pilgrim, with Heaven.
In reality, there’s really very little said (at least in a vivid, descriptive way) of what Heaven looks like. We know it’ll be a perfect Place where the “wolf will lie down with the lamb and the leopard will lie down with the kid” (Is. 11:6; 65:25). Likewise, we know the roses will have no thorns there. . .the snakes will have no fangs. . . and there’ll be “no more tears or death or sorrow or crying or pain over there—for the former things have passed away” (Rev. 21:4).
Won’t that be wonderful?
Most assuredly it will—especially when we think about being reunited with our loved ones who’ve gone on before. There’ll be no more deformed bodies, debilitating diseases, decay, etc., which means no more arthritis, arrhythmias, aches and pains, etc. Hallelujah!!
Everything will be perfect. And peaceful. And pleasant. And plentiful.
All because of the One Who even now “is preparing a Place for us” (Jn. 14:1-3). Glory!!
Think of it, weary one:
Close your eyes, calm your mind and it to soar upward. Picture what it’ll be like when you finally cross the Finish Line and look for the first time into those loving Eyes of our Risen Lord. What will be your reaction? Hushed awe? Tears of joy? A long sigh of relief?
It doesn’t matter, does it? No, not at all—for you’re finally Home. Home at last. Home with Jesus for all eternity. No more pain. No more problems. No more parting. Never separated again. No wonder it’s called Heaven. Won’t it be wonderful? Mmm, mmm, beautiful.
July 9, 2011