“Let the Redeemed of the Lord say so, whom He has redeemed from the hand of the enemy.”
Psalm 107:2
When the Lord’s touched you, you ought to let others know.
Dear Pilgrim, can you remember the time when you first met the Lord—that time when, as the song says, “Heaven came down and glory filled your soul”? Were you in a worship service? Talking with a friend? Traveling on a trip and found a Gideon Bible in the nightstand drawer and began reading it?
And, can you remember what happened? How you responded?
Did you walk down the aisle, take the pastor by the hand? Did you kneel by your bed and pour your heart out to God? Did hot tears flood down your cheeks unbidden like small creeks overflowing their banks as visible rivulets of repentance?
If so, today’s Manna for you.
Personal testimonies are powerful testimonies with inherent authority. They declare what you were before the Lord Jesus found you. . .how hopeless and despairing you were. . .and how you came to the place where you realized you needed Him as your personal Savior. And, when you share how Christ entered your heart and what you had to do to receive Him, others may soon find themselves doing the same. Hallelujah!!
Legion was a demon-possessed man, who ran around naked while living in the tombs (Mk. 5:1-5). But, one day Jesus showed up and his life was irreversibly changed (vv.6-15). And, Jesus sent him back home to tell everyone “what great things God had done for him” (vv.18-19).
The Samaritan woman from Sychar first met Jesus at Jacob’s well when she came to fetch water at noon (Jn. 4:7). It didn’t take long for this five-time divorcee, living-in-sin adulterous woman to realize He was “different” (vv.8-19). But, soon thereafter she’d discover He was the One she’d been looking for all of her life (vv.25-26)—and she immediately became a female evangelist, running back to the city crying, “Come see a Real Man Who told me everything I’d ever done—but still loved me just the same!” (vv.28-29). And, many came to Christ as a result of her testimony (v.39).
Zaccheus may have been a “wee little man,” but he was also a crooked, traitorous tax collector who was lost (Lk. 19:1-2). But, one day Jesus came looking for him, went to his house for lunch and performed a miracle of transformation (vv.3-7). How do we know? Because Zaccheus gave a wonderful testimony of what he was going to do in response to Jesus’ Love in his life (v.8). Glory!!
Yes, dear Pilgrim, every truly born-again Christian has a “B.C.” and “A.D.” in his/her life (Eph. 2:1-10). Every one of us has a “Beth-el” where we first met the Lord God (Gen. 28:10-22). And, we all have a responsibility to “go into all the world and tell them what great things He has done for us” (Mt. 28:18-20; II Cor. 5:17-20). Therefore, go forth today, ready to share Jesus’ Life and Love with someone else; the Holy Spirit will help you. Trust Him (Mk. 13:11).
May 29, 2011