“I will call on the Lord, Who is worthy to be praised; so shall I be saved from my enemies.”
II Samuel 22:4
When storm clouds gather
And lightning fills the sky,
My heart is often tempted to fear
When it seems unseen dangers are nigh.
Or other times the forces of darkness
Seem bent on destroying my soul—
In the shadows they whisper “I’m coming
With troubles that cannot be foretold.”
But, it’s in those times of trepidation
That I remember just what I should do:
It’s to call upon the one true and living God
Who will always see me through.
This God, Who created the heavens and the earth,
And gave life to all that is,
Has promised to never leave or forsake me
Because He knows that I am His.
So worthy of praise is this great God,
Who loves us more than we can know;
His Mercy and Grace are so unending—
For the Bible tells me so.
That’s why I will not fear
When troubles come my way;
For my God has promised to hold me close
Regardless of the time, night or day.
He always knows what I’m going through—
My joys and sorrows and tears;
And, has promised to never leave or forsake me
As He whispers, “Fear not, My child; I’m still here.”
Oh what a great God is He:
Jesus, my trusted Friend.
He walks with me each day of my life
And will lead me to Heaven, the Pilgrim’s Blessed End.
–Tom Smith
June 1, 2011