“You will keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on You—because he trusts in You.”

Isaiah 26:3

Perfect peace. . .perfect peace

It sounds like such a dream—

Of going here or flying there

In the times I want to scream.

When pressures mount and problems come

That make it hard to smile,

I wish I had wings and could fly away

To some isolated deserted isle.

Or I’ll try to crowd out the world

And all of its demands on me,

By burying myself in busyness all day

And lots of mindless activities.

But when I finally take time to get alone and pause

In the midst of my problems and strife,

I hear my Lord quietly calling my name

As He brings sweet peace within my life.

“Perfect peace is what I want to give

To you every minute of every day;

It’s not the result of vacations, drink or drugs,

Regardless of what others may say.

“No, the peace I give is the inward kind

That fills your heart with joy;

It’s peace that sustains you in the darkest night

Amidst the devil’s most sinister ploys.

“Yes, perfect peace is that which comes when you

Do fix your thoughts on Me; It gives you hope when all seems lost

By setting your burdened soul free.

“Abide in Me each moment, My child,

When your problems are too great to bear,

And see if perfect peace won’t flood your soul

As you realize I’m always with you right there.”

by Tom Smith