“Back To Bethel Ministries”
is a ministry of revivalism and evangelism that’s based upon
the Biblical mandate of II Corinthians 5:18-19.

Originally, manna was a sweet, tasting-like-honey wafer God sent His people, Israel, from Heaven during their wilderness wanderings (Exodus 16:15, 31, 33; Numbers 11:6-9).
“Morning Manna” is a daily, e-mail devotional written to encourage and edify the child of God.
Poems are work of art that calms the heart whenever we are in trouble. On this page is a list of my poems, you can choose the poem you want to read by clicking on the title…
I will add to my poetry pages as time allows, and I pray you will be blessed by the reading of them.
“Tom Smith has the heart, the gifts and the commitment it takes to work mightily in an individual’s life. I can’t imagine a church of any size not being blessed by the spirit and ministry God has given him.”
“I know that Tom Smith has a passion for the Lord and that he loves the church. He will be a blessing wherever he ministers.”