Are You Ready to preach?
Are your people ready for eternity?
Are they living a victorious Christian life?
Here are 25 sermons… to help make you READY!
25 sermon outlines on evangelism and church growth.
16 Strong Evangelistic Sermons to help call people to Christ. Includes sermon titles like: “Are You Ready,” “Are You Living In A.D. or B.C.?” “Life’s Greatest Invitation,” “Saved From the Three Curses,” “The Saddest Word Ever Heard,” and more.
9 Sermons that will help your flock grow and be strengthened to live for Christ. Includes topics like having victory in life, serving the Lord, faith for living, discipleship, doubt, surrender, witnessing, renewal and revival – titles like: “Let Go and Let God,” “Broken-Down Altar and Forgotten Vows,” “The Changeless Gospel In A Changing World,” and more.