Welcome to my Download Page

There are several things that you can download from this page.

First, you can download my Morning Manna Archive. I’m hoping that “Morning Manna” will become a part of your daily spiritual diet. May the Holy Spirit use it to help you grow deeper in your walk with Him as you become a “Christ-Conduit”of His Love to others.

Morning Manna Archive

Secondly, Pilgrim Reflections is a weekly newspaper column that looks at current events from a Biblical perspective. You can download the current archive here in this page.

But you can also just view it by simply visiting my Blog to view the month’s posts. or visit my Pilgrim Reflections page.

However, there is nothing more than compiling it for future references and for reading it offline.

Pilgrim Reflections Archive FromDecember 2009-June 2010

IMPORTANT NOTES: To be able to view the Morning Manna properly, please Download the Gedit which is also a FREE software. Gedit is a text editor similar toNotepad but far better. Click Here to DOWNLOAD GEDIT

To open the download ZIP files, you will be needing a ZIP or RAR software. But if you are using Windows at least Windows XP, I assume that you already have a ZIP Software because it comes with Windows.

But just incase you don’t have it and you can’t open the ZIPPED files, simply clickHere to DOWNLOAD WINZIP