“Peace I leave with you, My Peace I give unto you—not as the world gives, give I unto you.  Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.”

John 14:27

Storms may whip the wind and the waves, but Jesus calms the soul.

Such peaceful words, these words of Jesus in today’s Manna:  “Peace I leave with you, My Peace I give unto you—not as the world gives, give I unto you.”  Truly, one-of-a-kind Peace and Peace that’s incomparable and “indescribably delicious” (Phil. 4:7).

Inwardly, by nature, we believe that this type of peace can be found in peace treaties and accords between nations or rival factions.  And, such earthly instruments may bring a temporary cessation of fighting and strife.

But, they are short-lived at best—a “lull before the storm,” if you will—for soon tempers will flare once again. . .bitterness and vindictiveness will begin lifting their ugly heads. . .and soon that human placebo will give way to further hostilities, death, destruction, division, etc.

Neither can Christ’s type of Peace be found in pills, potions or prescriptions.

Oh, such artificial means may seemingly calm one’s frazzled nerves or dull one’s mind to what’s happening.  But, when their potency wears off, the problems that precipitated their use in the first place will attack with renewed vigor and is usually stronger than before.

That’s why God’s true Peace is only found in the loving arms of the Lord Jesus.

As the true “Prince of Peace” (Is. 9:6), He alone is able to calm the troubled mind and ease the burdened heart.  Only He can “cleanse the conscience from dead works” (Heb. 9:14) and “give Joy in the morning after a night of weeping” (Ps. 30:5).

He told us “In this world you will have tribulation. . .problems. . .pressures. . .trials. . . difficulties. . .heartaches, etc.” (Jn. 16:33a); so, we shouldn’t be surprised when they come.

However, He also said “But be of good cheer (Grk. ‘tharseo’—‘courage, comfort, daring, boldness, etc.’)” (v.33b).  Why/how is that?  Because “I have overcome (Grk. ‘nikao’—‘to conquer, subdue, prevail, gain the victory, etc.’) the world” (v.33c).  Glory!

Do you see it, dear Pilgrim?

It’s because of Jesus’ victory over sin, death, the grave and hell that we have victory.  As the song says, “Because HE lives I can face tomorrow, Because HE lives all fear is gone.  Because I know HE holds the future, That life is worth the living JUST BECAUSE HE LIVES.”  Hallelujah!!

His Peace=His Presence.  His Peace=His Promises.  His Peace=His Power.

This Peace, “which passes (Grk. ‘huperecho’—‘to go far beyond, excel, rise above, be superior to, etc.’) all understanding will keep (Grk. ‘phroureo’—‘to be a watcher in advance, to guard, post a sentry, hem in, protect, garrison, etc.’) your hearts (emotions) and minds (thoughts) through Christ Jesus” (Phil. 4:7).

But, the key is “casting ALL your cares upon Him” (I Pet. 5:7) as you uplift to Him “all of your prayers and supplications WITH THANKSGIVING” (Phil. 4:6; I Thess. 5:18).

June 16, 2011