“But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run and not be weary; and they shall walk and not faint.” Isaiah 40:31
Oh how I need the refreshing touch
Of the Lord most every day;
My heart grows sad and my mind gets weary
As I journey along life’s way.
My problems—so many; my burdens—so heavy,
As I travel this road called “life;”
Why it seems every time I do this or that
That there’s always much fussing and strife.
How often I wish I could take to the skies
And fly far away from it all;
I’d fly to a place where no problems exist—
Or at least they’d seem quite small.
But in my heart I know that there’s
No idyllic island somewhere “out there;”
I know there’s no place where I can run and hide
And forever be free of all cares.
That’s why I should remember the old prophet’s words
About waiting upon the Lord God Almighty—
For it’s when I cast all my cares upon Him
That I find His rest so inviting.
In waiting there’s a renewing of my strength and my soul,
And a “mounting up with wings as eagles;”
Instead of dwelling so down in the dumps
I discover a power that’s quite Regal.
Instead of fretting and feeling so sad
Over all that’s been happening to me,
I rest in the Lord and soon I do find,
Like an eagle I’m soaring and free!
His love is my current and His grace my mainstay
As I run and grow not weary;
With Christ as my guide I now walk so spry
And the days don’t seem nearly so dreary.
by Tom Smith